Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ghost Rider - 3/10

06-12-2007 - Ghost Rider
Pass. Spiderman...X-men...great adaptations. Ghost Rider was an attempt...thats attempt. Nicolas Cage. Superhero? I guess that since he didn't get that superman role, he took the next superhero role he could. I'm real glad that I didn't pay good money to see this one at the movies. Is it a dvd rent...yeah, if there's nothing out, your life sucks and you're at home because your girlfriend just left you and the loneliness is setting in...then go get it, by all means.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Epic Movie - 4/10

2007.05.22 - Epic Movie
Good these spoof movies are only a hour and a half, because these movies are like riding on a bumpy road. The "ride" is composed of hit and miss humor that gets old fast. I wish I would have read some reviews on this one before I rented it. The scary movies are pretty funny but the Epic Movie and the Date Movie don't compare....maybe because Scary Movie played this spoof humor out. Dont rent....even if you don't see anything else and you have to use your movie pass. Re-rent something you've seen before you rent this one.

Apocalypto - 9/10

2007.05.22 - Apocalypto
A rare experience. I would give it a 9 out of 10. I would probrably watch this one again. Although this movie makes you turn your head at parts, the raw power that this movie possesses keeps you on the edge of your seat while twisting, turning, and keeping your body tense while waiting for a break to relax. I regret not seeing this movie in the theater, as I was in a anti-Mel Gibson mood at the time. He really comes through on this one though. Not good for the kiddies.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Music and Lyrics - 2/10

2007.05.15 - Music and Lyrics
zzzzz....wake up!! This one was pretty cheesy....Hugh Grant and Drew....its a no-go on the big screen....this would have been more interesting if Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett would have teamed up and sang the movie's theme song....Pop, there goes my heart. These two actors need to sing, "Pop, there goes my career."

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Dead Girl - 3/10

2007.05.15 - The Dead Girl
Yet another Crash ripoff without any bang or gasps. Four or five stories from each perspectives that tell the story without any mystery. Not worth the time that I drove to the store.

Breaking and Entering - 6/10

2007.05.15 - Breaking and Entering
Not bad for a Blockbuster Exclusive...much better than Harsh Times. Kind of a "Crash" knockoff. You see a couple of perspectives of everyones story then later it all makes sense. No bang but ok if Deja Vu is rented out.

The Fountain - 1/10

2007.05.15 - The Fountain

Sorry guys...I couldn't make it through the first ten minutes. Alot of randomness and Hugh Jackman acting strange...The guy at blockbuster said the same thing.